Strawberry Childcare

Child Care - Center

STRAWBERRY CHILDCARE is a bilingual (English/ Spanish) program that offers a safe and nurturing environment for infants, toddlers, preschool 1 and preschool 2 with diverse learning experiences such as yoga, music, gymnastics, sports, story-telling, and arts & crafts. *** NOW ENROLLING AGES 2-MONTHS AND UP! *** OUR MISSION is to extend the nurturing embrace of the family to ensure we provide an appropriate curriculum and environment that develop the minds and bodies of our children, so that they reach their full potential. Our mission never ends. Our family just gets better. OUR STAFF love what they do and are provided extensive professional training continually. We are experienced, qualified, bilingual (English/Spanish), educational, caring, fun, and friendly! OUR FACILITIES are beautiful and safe. Our classrooms and playrooms are clean, bright, modern, and secure. High tech security systems monitor our facilities 24 hours a day. TUITION & SCHEDULE: We offer very competitive tuition rates. We offer part-time (3 or 4 days per week) and full-time (5 days per week) enrollment options. WE'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! -- Call us at 617-608-3182 -- Email us at -- Visit us on the web: -- Schedule a tour! Brookline Location 1285 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446 Hours of Operation: 7:30am - 6:00pm, M-F -- Located less than 1 mile from Longwood Medical Area -- Located steps away from the Green C-line Coolidge Corner T-stop! -- FREE garage parking all day long (open-to-close)! -- Easy drop-off and pick-up with dedicated loading dock. Watertown Location 124 Watertown Street, Watertown, MA 02472 Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 6:00pm, M-F -- Located less than 1 mile from the Mass Pike (I-90) To secure a space for your child, we just need: -- Registration Form -- Enrollment Agreement -- Deposit -- Registration fee Schedule a tour today! 617-608-3182,

1285 Beacon St, Brookline, United States
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